« Le Dışişleri Bakanlığı: un organe au service de la politique de puissance de la Turquie » , in Maurice Vaisse (dir.) Diplomaties étrangères en mutation
This book chapter looks at the evolving structure of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Dışişleri Bakanlığı) and analyzes the impact of such evolution on the design and implementation of Turkey’s foreign policy. In particular, the author examines the changes in the decision-making processes at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and looks at new parameters such as the increasing number of non-career diplomats, the nomination of women ambassadors, the expansion of the diplomatic network of Turkey with the opening of new embassies, and the innovative means and instruments of foreign policy, including soft power, humanitarian aid, and public diplomacy. The author also examines the impact of the shift from parliamentarian to presidential system on the conduct of foreign policy.